
Showing posts from June, 2021

6 Word Story 6-27-21

Hold my phone and watch this. Troy Keiser We forgot sunscreen and got sunburned. Police funding dropped, major crime increased. Miami condo collapsed, nine confirmed dead. Horse bucked. Cowboy rode. Won prize. Heat wave hit. Air conditioner quit. Warden girls won champion in overtime. China released virus concerted the world. Daren Flynn Monica's amazing chickens lay golden eggs. Clancy pitched no-hit, no-run game. Daren writes trucking and family poems. Seasons come and seasons go yearly. Sisters eagerly escape home every summer. Canal swimming easily becomes dangerously deadly. Ryanne and Alicia started a got-a-way campfire. Spectacular shooting star-watching is a treat. Myrna Flynn Never trust an elephant with it. Bob always knew he was special. The cheese did not stand alone. Never trust a spy without glasses. It wasn't the end after all. Mic dropped and he walked away. And they died from the noise. BY: Ryanne Leavitt Once a man now a demon. Karen loved, was betrayed, now d

Father 6-20-21

  Dad Provider, Instructor, Leader,  Protector, Writer, Creator. Father Family Author Tough Helper Eternal Reliable  May 31, 1992 Carrie Flynn Daddy Father, we look to you And see how you treat our family We learn by example And you’ve given us an excellent one. You spend Many nights away But we know you’ll soon be home. You’ve taught us about Life, families, and God. Yu’ve done so much for us And on this - your day… I want you to know  How much you’re loved. So, Daddy, as you travel Down toes long roads just think of your family And our never-ending love for you. As time goes by, And all of us grow up, We’ll take what we’ve learned And use it in our own families. Thank you Dad. You’ve done a good job with the  Children Heavenly Father Has given  you to raise. I love you Daddy, Your CarrieLu! May 19, 1997 Carrie Keiser Reflections of a Trucker’s Kid You use to have pictures of us Held up by tooth

Story Collaboration 6-6-21

 “Buying bread from a man in Brussels.  He was six foot four and full of muscle.” Every time John heard the song by Men at Work he couldn’t help but think it could have been about him.  John stood at six foot seven and he was certainly full of muscle anyway.  Well at least that was his normal height but now as he slipped through the darkened streets of his hometown shuffling past the now shuttered RiteAid its blacked out windows seeming to reflect the darkness of his thoughts John found himself thinking back to the beginning of his odd journey.   March 16th just four days after his birthday John had woken to an odd buzzing that seemed to grow stronger as he listened but when he tried to focus on where it was coming from the sound would quickly fade away.  After five or six minutes or maybe it was an hour, John couldn’t really tell, he decided it was time to get up and investigate the sound.   With sleep still holding him tightly in its embrace John slowly rolled over and stretched hi