
Showing posts from October, 2023

Oct 15, 2023 -- Spooky/Scary bedtime story

Carrie Keiser  A Bedtime Story Little Frank N Monster, was all tucked up in his cozy bed, his Mummy said she'd be right up to read him his favorite bedtime story, The Night the Humans Came to Town . Story Slingers Myrna Flynn October 14, 2023 Halloween Hazards The children were all tucked in, waiting for Grandma Maggie to tell them a bedtime story. They since it was night before Halloween, wanted a scary and spooky story.  Her story started, "Janice and her friends, Jeremy, Betty, Joe, Alice and Danny, stepped out the door on Halloween, they gazed at the moon in awe. There was a wide fiery red band around the full moon, making it look twice as big as normal." Betty said, "Wonder what caused the moon to develop that ring?" Joe said, "I have no idea but it looks like blood." Alice stated, "There is no way it could be blood.' Jeremy broke in with, "Come on let's get busy filling our bags." They all took off running to houses saying,

October 22, 2023 -- A Day In the Life of...

A Day in the Life of Carrie Keiser Beep Beep Beep, it’s 5:30 AM, time to get up and moving for the day. It is Monday morning and it begins like this: , crack myself out of the nice warm covers, get dressed, first check the weather to see how I should begin the day. Long pants, t-shirt and a hoodie should do the trick.  Stumble down the steps, while wiping the sleep from my bleary eyes. Swallow, some allergy pills, some headache meds and take my vitamins. Now to find some food for my grumbling tummy. Open the fridge and stare for several minutes, grab the milk and whatever juice is hiding inside. Open the pantry, let’s see cereal? Maybe or a toasted bagel with cream cheese? Hummmm Bagel it is. Once the bagel is heated up and spread generously with cream cheese and the liquid has been portioned out into cups, I set it all on the table for future consuming. Prayers first, then open my scripture app and read a chapter, share with Scott via Messenger what I read/learned from that chapter, a