
Showing posts from December, 2021

6 Random Words Story-- Dec 12, 2021

By: Vanessa Holmquist The grasshopper tickled a bird. His friends dared him to. He was trying to impress a girl. He slowly flew closer and closer to the haunted cavern where many grasshopper went to do the crazy dare that ultimately resulted in their death. Interesting enough no matter how many grasshoppers died it was still cool to try. While flying closer her randomly saw a pair of old blue jeans. Weird huh. Anyways he was refocused on his task. He decided his plan of action was so draw out the bird then wait till he was out and quickly tickled em and hide. He rigged up a distraction by the water. Once he heard the bird start to come out and quickly flew to side of the entrance of the cavern. Once the bird emerged. He mustered up his courage and flew out to tickle the bird. In one second the bird saw him and grabbed him and gulped him down. This story now continues to be passed down from generation to generation to stop grasshopper from trying to tickled the bird that lives in cavern

12-5-21 Out Of The Blue

  Out of the Blue by: Carrie Keiser She'd hit the ground hard, it knocked the wind out of her. She lay there, looking up, trying to catch her breath.  Thoughts flew through her head so fast she was having trouble making sense of them.  She closed her eyes shutting out the world calming her mind and her racing heart. “Breathe deeply, in and out, Saoirse ( ser-sha ).” She could hear the words of her mother in her mind, they used to irritate her, but now they were comforting, soothing and relaxing. She took the slow deep breaths and could feel the last few mins fall into place. She’d been out riding her horse through the fields around her family home.  Racing though the tall grass free from all stress and responsibility, just her and her favorite horse, Majestic. Her mind had wondered, this was normal when riding, she knew Majestic would not lead her astray and had given the horse her head, giving in to the sense of freedom that riding always gave her. Since she was young, Saoirse