
Showing posts from August, 2021

Horse bucked, cowboy rode, prize won -- 8-15-21

Horse Bucks, Cowboy Rides, Prize Won By: Carrie Keiser As a bronc rider, Kalvin, is very athletic, dertrmined and strong. He had been riding bucking animals for 10 years he’d started when he was 9 with sheep and moved up to bulls, but his love had always been horses and he was determined to be a world famous bronc rider making lots of money.  This year he had had a fantastic season and would be headed to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas.  “Five more days, breathe, Kalvin! Visualize the ride.  You have reviewed the vids of all the broncs, you are as ready as you can be.” Kalvin hung the phone up after his mother told him that.  What he needed was a long soak in a hot tub, a massage and something to get his mind off the upcoming championship contest. Five days later…. Kalvin’s first go around was on Big Tex and although the horse bucked quite aggressively, he didn’t have any trouble making the 8 seconds.  His second ride of the championship was on Feather Fluffer and that hor

Once A Man Now A Demon --8/22/21

  Once A Man Now A Demon BY: Carrie Keiser Jeorge Marxson stared into the mirror-like surface of the lake, remembering how it happened that he ended up here and in this situation. It wasn’t his plan to become an agent of the devil. He started out a good man, loved his family, worked hard to provide for them. But, eventually, his choices led him to this lake of fire and brimstone. It was hot as Hades here, too bad the flaming blue-haired man from the Disney movie, Hercules, wasn’t the guy actually in charge, he could use a little comic relief about now.  In his mind’s eye, he re-lived the day he went from decent man to meeting the crossroads demon and striking the deal that would land him here. He had had good intentions, I suppose most people do. He wanted to spend more time with his wife and family but the illness he’d contracted was not going away and no one seemed to have answers. He’d bumped into a dude in the cafe one evening after work who told him for a small fee, he knew a guy

Hold My Phone and Watch This -- Aug 8, 2021

(some are true some are not!) By: Colleen Holmquist  Hold my phone and watch this were the last words he uttered. By: Cary Holmquist “Hold my phone and watch this!”  Hold on to your hats, because this will come as big news to everyone: I am not much into adventure.   Okay, okay, so it was not big news or ANY kind of news to anyone.   And so, although this topic of “Hold my phone and watch this” holds some appeal to me as a source of entertainment—that is, something for ME to watch—making the topic a true or even fictional story about me…well…there just is not going to be much there.   Oh, sure, in my youth I did a few adventurous things that could start with that phrase—jumping off Maclay bridge or the rock over the Blackfoot outside of Bonner or the high bank between the University and Jacob’s Island in the Clark Fork…. Wow!  Huh?   Evidently I survived fine and it was a thrill for a moment and then cold water on given a hot summer day.    I was trying to think up a fictional scenario