
Showing posts from February, 2021

My First Car

(Disclaimer: most of these car photos are just for reference snagged from the internet, others are the actual "first cars") Hunter Green Jeep Cherokee  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Janessa. She had an ol’ 1996 Hunter Green Jeep Cherokee. It may have been a little worn down, but she loved it with all her heart. As a new car owner, she was not fully accustomed to her new whip. One day on her way home after a long day at work. She realized that she did not know where the button was to turn on her head lights. She searched high and low for that button. But to her chagrin she lost hope. With no other alternative she texted her husband. He requested a picture of the panel. Within seconds he says it was to the left of the steering wheel. With joy she goes to check so we can be on her way home. She looks but does not see it. Not wanting to bother her husband even more she continues her search for the button. After 20 minutes of searching, she messages her husband that she

Limerick Sunday (1-17-21)

 A little old gnome sat on a bench. He reached out and grabbed a wrench. Gave it a twist. In the mist. Then stood to dance a jig with his wench. By: Carrie Keiser Family Night Limericks By Daren Flynn Scary Carrie I once knew a girl whose name was Carrie She wanted to get married and would not tarry. She had to graduate High School Because that was the rule. Now she drives a school bus and that's really scary.   Shaylee Bug I have a granddaughter we often call Shaylee Bug. Her personality and ready smile at my heartstrings tug. She flits from here to there And does it without a care But always greets me with a great big hug.   Family Hookup When our family hooks up on Sunday night Our conversations may be serious or may be trite. Whatever we do its always fun And that is not a pun. Sharing stories and playing games is just a pure delight.   Baseball Baseball was the national sport back in the day Teams were made up of men who liked to play And every b

Dr Seuss Style Poems (2-14-21)

  My Dr Seuss Story --Vanessa Holmquist The truth about children is quite simple. You're often left with hours of giggles. No matter how mad or bad they behave. You think to yourself “I will never be sane”. Children are all kinds of crazy. It makes us quite lazy. Why do we love children so much? Could it because their cuteness is untouched. It could be the love that they give.  Which makes it easy to forgive. But Whatever the reason, Cuteness or love, We care for them every little one. Suessical Tree --Aaron Leavitt Young Barnaby was hard to please, his mother had observed. No sweets or treats he’d ever eat, no desserts he’s ever served. And so one day, just home from school, a bag of sugar found, Bright jelly beans of every shade, he put them in the ground. But then in spring to their surprise a tiny sprig appeared. A leaf of pink, then one of teal and more as soil cleared. And through the year it grew and grew, less likely with each day, The colors varied wildly leaves and bark a

Childhood Memory (1-31-21)

 Memory Story (1-31-21) by Carrie Keiser Once upon a time there was a girl of about 11, with long brown hair, knobby knees and elbows, whose tall, dark haired dad, drove a big truck across this country and sometimes into Canada. One summer, she had the opportunity to go Trucking with him. The truck he drove was not too fancy, it was an old green and white cab over Kenworth with a sleeper that zipped shut. It didn’t have air conditioning and was hot and loud. They cruised down the highways and biways with the windows down and smiles on their faces. That summer, her dad had a load to somewhere in Ohio. She would get to travel to several states she had not yet been too. She was very excited. She planned to have a BLT and a chocolate shake in every state. One day they were driving along and it started to storm. I mean really storm the rain was coming down in sheets, just pouring. The lightening was flashing and the thunder was booming. All of the sudden lightening struck the lane next